BIO 39: African Ecology

BIO 50: Marine Biology

January 9 - February 22, 2003

Things you should bring with you.


1)Proof of citizenship (passport - must be valid 6 months from expiration - no visa needed)


2)Daypack:ESSENTIAL!Make sure it is totally waterproof!Take time to waterproof the seams of this pack and your duffel bag.To do this, buy seam sealer at a sporting goods store.You will use this daily, carrying anything you may need during the day (camera, pencils, paper, sweater, etc.), on a hike, or in the van.


3)Clothing:Long sleeve shirts and pants are the best protection against mosquitoes (incidentally, many bugs are attracted to dark clothing).We will wash clothes about every 7 days.Do not plan to wear a clean pair of pants and shirt every day.No one else will be and it will just get dirty again in a short while.Avoid ANY clothes that require special washing care. You’ll generally be responsible for doing laundry on your own, but many places we stay will have laundry facilities on site or nearby in town.


a)soft hat:For rain and sun. The hat should have a broad rim to protect your ears and back of your neck from the sun.

b)2-3 long-sleeved shirts of heavyweight material - cotton/blend - one for field, one to two for town.

c)6 T-shirts/field shirts (Try for plain shirts - bring none that advertise Furman or other universities or beer/alcohol - these mark you as “ rich U.S. college students”, making you more likely to be a target for theft, plus they don’t look too good in Furman publications)

d)2-3 pairs long pants - at least one for town, others for the field; bluejeans are hot and dry very slowly. DO NOT bring army surplus/camouflage pants or clothes. These are NOT appropriate for Central America or South Africa.

e)4 pairs of short pants

f)6 pairs of cotton socks

g)7 sets of underclothing

h)2 swimsuits, at least - durable!

i)sweater or sweatshirt



l)Rain coat or Poncho - preferably one with a hood

m)light raincoat/windbreaker

n)bandanas - 1-2



a)1 pair of shoes for every day (good running shoes or tennis shoes)

b)1 pair of old tennis shoes (you can also use good booties here) you can get wet

c)1 pair of rugged sandals (e.g. tevas)

d)1 pair of hiking boots


5)Personal Supplies

a)Towels - 1 thin one, 2 beach towels

b)wash cloth, if you use one

c)Toiletries - soap (small bar - it’s provided everywhere), shampoo, nail clippers, toothbrush, comb, brush, shaving gear, deodorant, dental floss, contact lens supplies, etc.

d)Sunscreen - at least 3 full bottles of high rated SPF protection

e)Personal Medical Supplies - Any medicine you might require. Anticipate your needs.For example, if you tend to get motion sickness; be prepared.

f)2 pairs of sunglasses (you’ll lose or break one pair) with elastic strap to hang around neck

g)Extra glasses or contact lenses

h)Chapstick or lip balm

i)2 bottles insect repellant - with DEET (nothing else works)

j)Skin cream or after sun lotion


6)Other supplies

a)Really, really bright flashlight with high quality batteries for at least two changes (i.e., bring lots of extra batteries)

b)One extra flashlight bulb

c)Pocketknife (pack this in your luggage, not your carryon!)

d)Field notebook with 300-400 sheets of paper

e)Small spiral notebook for taking notes in the field

f)Regular notebook for taking notes in lecture and laboratory

g)Pens (use black for your field notebook; waterproof - about 15 – Uni-ball Micros are ideal)


i)Copy of your Marine Biology term paper

j)Wristwatch, inexpensive, with alarm function

k)Your text books

l)2 Plastic water bottles (minimum 1 qt each) for hikes

m)A lightweight sleeping bag

n)Zip-lock bags to keep your gear (e.g., notebooks, camera) and clothing dry


7)Snorkeling gear

a)Mask - make sure it fits correctly before we leave!

b)Fins that fit

c)Booties for your fins


e)lightweight gloves

f)dive light, with batteries (bring extra batteries and an extra bulb!)




b)Drivers License

c)Student ID

d)Money, in $20 or $50 denomination traveler checks (American Express or other well known brand). Bring some currency in small, clean bills. Probably $200 - $300 will be more than adequate, it depends on the number of candy bars, soft drinks, souvenirs, and post cards you with to buy. Put your money in multiple places (helps to prevent theft).

e) Calling card (only AT&T and MCI accepted in Belize)

f)Credit Card


Items you may want to bring:


a)Extra plastic water bottle (like a platypus – a collapsible water bottle)

b)Camera and Film - extra batteries for the camera. Plan on at least 20 rolls of film.

c)Roll of scotch tape ("invisible")

d)Postage stamps

e)Addresses of friends and relatives for postcards (you might put them on peelable labels for handy use)

f)Cassette tape for use in the van tape player.The tape may get destroyed.Put your name on the case of the tape.


h)A few clothes pins

i)Playing cards or similar items

j)Ear plugs

k)Snorkeling skin - this will make you much more comfortable!!

l)Thin (1/8 “) wet suit, or shorty, especially if you get cold easily

m)If you Scuba; regulator, BCD, dive knife, weight belt.

n)Disposable underwater cameras (2-3 probably – perhaps more)

o)Kool-Aid packs (water can taste bad in some places)

p)Colored pencils

q)Gloves and cap if you get cold easily

r)2-3 tank tops and/or sport bras for the ladies

s)Extra toothbrush

t)2-3 leisure reading books

u)A lightweight, closed cell sleeping bag (foam) pad




a)Alcoholic beverages or Illegal drugs (DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT THIS!!)

b)Electrical appliances: Hair dryer, curling irons

c)Make-up and hairspray (we will all go native)

d)Jewelry (it is safer at home)

e)Furman Telephone Directory or Dictionary (we will carry them in the field library)

f)A large bible or one of special value.


Do not bring anything that will bother you if it gets destroyed.Everything will get wet.For example, if you bring a Bible, don't bring a valued copy.Many of your clothes will become permanently soiled.