Dennis C. Haney – 2000 Program


The more you prepare, the more that you will appreciate and learn from the experience; therefore read as much as possible. Pay particular attention to news that is coming from Latin America. Alert your friends and relatives, so that they can let you know when there might be a nature special on television. Video tapes that have been copied from the television are available too. I have also included some references that will be of use in Tropical Ecology, as well; especially if they are in the Biology Department’s Field Library. These books are available for your use; just ask.


Your text, Galápagos: A Natural History Guide by Michael Jackson is the first stop in your trip. It is available in the Furman Bookstore. Purchase it immediately, if you have not already. If your term paper topic is related to the Galápagos, read the chapter that applies to your topic. Note the references in the back of the book for that chapter.


You will also find reading two books by Charles Darwin to be of interest. These are The Voyage of the Beagle and The Origin of the Species.


The following list is far from complete. Use the list as a starting point. Two magazines, National Geographic and Natural History, are especially good sources. For example, look at volumes # 115, 131, 136 and 142 of National Geographic. Those books that have an *** are found within the Furman Library (those without this mark, may be there, too)




Amazon Crude, by Judith Kimerling (1991) [Concerns oil exploration in Ecuador] [available from Haney]

Archaeology, Volcanism, and Remote Sensing in the Arenal Region of Costa Rica, by P. Sheets and B. McKee (1994) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Beak of the Finch, by Peter Grant (1994)

Beak of the Finch: A Story of the Evolution of our Time, by J. Weiner (1994) ***

Butterflies of Costa Rica and their Natural History, by P. DeVries (1987) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Carpanta, Selva Nublado y Páramo, by G. Andrade (1993) [Available from Haney, in Spanish]

Costa Rica: A Country Guide, by T. Barry (1989) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Costa Rican Natural History, by D. Janzen (1983) ***

Darwin’s Finches, by D. Lack (1983) ***

Darwin’s Forgotten World, by Sally Thompson (1978)

Darwin’s Islands, A Natural History of the Galápagos, by I. Thornton (1971) ***

Ecology and Evolution of Darwin’s Finches, by P. Grant (1986) ***

Ecology of Invasions of North America and Hawaii, by Mooney

Effects of Burning and Grazing on a Colombian Páramo Ecosystem, by R. Hofstede (1995) [available from Haney]

Enchanted Islands: The Galápagos Discovered, by J. Hickman (1985) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Evolution in the Galápagos Islands, by R. Berry (1985) ***

Field Guide to the Birds of the Galápagos, by M. Harris (1982) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney] ***

Field Guide to the Fishes of the Galápagos, by Godfrey Merlen (1988) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Fire in the Tropical Biota, by J. Goldammer (1990) ***

Flora of the Galápagos Islands, by I.L. Wiggins and D. M. Porter (1971) [available from Dr. Pollard] ***

Floreana, by Margret Wittmer (1989) [available from Haney]

Four Neotropical Rainforests, by A. Gentry (1990) [includes La Selva and South America] [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Fur Seals: Maternal Strategies on land and sea, by Gentry

Galápagos Guide, by A. White and B. Epler (1972) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Galápagos Islands: A History of their Exploration, by J. R. Slevin (1959)

Galápagos, by R. I. Bowman (1966)

Galápagos, by R. Perry (1984) ***

Galápagos, the Noah’s Ark of the Pacific, by I. Ebl-Eisenfeldt (1961) ***

Galápagos: Discovery on Darwin’s Islands, by D. Steadman (l988) ***

Galápagos: Islands of Birds, by J.B. Nelson (1968)

Galápagos: the Flow of Wilderness, by E. Porter and K Brower (2 Volumes) (1968)

Geology and Petrology of the Galápagos Islands, by A. R. McBirney and H. Williams (1969) ***

Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica, by F. Stiles and A. Skutch (1989) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Guide to the Birds of Panamá, by R. Ridgely and J. Gwynne (1989) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Guide to the Paramos of Ecuador, by O. Muñoz, (Xerox of future publication) [available from Haney]

Herpetofauna of Costa Rica, by J. Savage and J. Villa (1986) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Island Life, by S. Carlquist (1965)

La Selva: Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rain Forest, by L. McDade, K. Bawa, H. Hespenheide, and G. Hartshorn (1994) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Marine Life of the Galápagos, by P. Constant (1992) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

On the Banks of the Cuyabeno, by C. Witham and G. Kareofelas (1995) [Cuyabeno is our site in the Amazon] [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Otavalo: Weaving, Costume and the Market, by Lynn Meisch (1987) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Paramos Andinos del Ecuador, by M. Acosta-Solis (1984) [available from Haney, in Spanish]

Patterns of Evolution in Galápagos Organisms, by I. Bowman, M. Berson, and A. Leviton (1983) ***

Pinnipeds and El Niño, by F. Trillman (1991) ***

Plants of the Galápagos Islands, by Eileen Schofield (1986)

Reef Fish Identification, by P. Humann (1993) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Seabird Ecology, by R. Furness (1987) ***

Seals and man: Study of Interactions, by W. Bonner (1982) ***

Seals of the World, by J. King (1983) ***

Snakes of Honduras, by L. Wilson and J. Meyer (1985) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Subtidal Galápagos, by J. Cribb (1986) ***

Traditional Peoples and Biodiversity Conservation in Large Tropical Landscapes, by K. Redford and J. Mansour (1996) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Vegetation of the Life Zones in Costa Rica, by J. Sawyer and A. Lindsey (1971) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Venomous Reptiles of Latin America, by J. Campbell and W. Lamar (1989) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Venomous Snakes of Nicaragua, by J. Villa (1984) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]

Woody Plants of Northwest South America, by A. Gentry (1993) [in the FU Biology Field Library, see Haney]



Additional Texts: All are in the Furman Library


Anderson, Anthony B. (ed.). 1990. Alternatives to Deforestation: Steps toward sustainable uses of the Amazon Rain Forest.


Balick, Michael J. et al (eds). 1996. Medicinal Resources of the Tropical forest. Columbia University Press.


Barraclough, Solon, and Krishna Ghimire. 1996. Forests and Livelihoods. The Social Dynamics of deforestation in Developing Countries. St. Martins Press.


Bruenig, Eberhard. F. 1996. Conservation and management of Tropical Rainforests: An integrated approach to sustainability.


Brush, Stephen B. and Doreen Stabinsky. 1995. Valuing Local Knowledge: Indigenous People and Intellectual Property Rights.


Bryant, D., D. Nielsen, and L. Tangley. 1997. The last frontier: Ecosystems and Economies on the edge. World Resources Institute.


Burns, E. Bradford (ed). 1993. Latin America: Conflict and Creation: A Historical Reader, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall.


Castro, Isabel and A. Phillips. 1997. A Guide to the Birds of the Galápagos Islands. Princeton University Press.


Hladik, C. M., A. Hladik, et. al., 1993. Tropical Forests, People & Food. Biocultural Interactions & Applications to Development. UNESCO


Johns, Andrew. 1997. Timber Production and biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Rain Forests. Cambridge Press.


Prance and Lovejoy (eds.). 1985. Key environments: Amazonia. Pergamon Press.


Sponsel, Leslie E et al (eds). 1996. Tropical Deforestation. Columbia University Press.








[home page of Nuevo Mundo, our travel agent in Ecuador/Galápagos]

[home page of the Organization for Tropical Studies, our coordinator in Costa Rica – this home page will provide a list of references for virtually all of the published research that has been conducted at La Selva and Palo Verde, our two research sites in Costa Rica. It also has a description of the sites]

[index to the newspaper, "La Nacion", of Costa Rica – check this out for the latest news]


you may want to explore other sites on the Web, too.