Class Notes
January 7- Welcome to ED 11! Today we will do lots of paperwork, go over the syllabus and complete an activity based on Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.
January 9- It was good meeting everyone on Tuesday and I look forward to working with you during the term. Today we will focus on the teaching profession, particularly looking at perceptions of teaching and the certification process. Be sure to read Ch. 1 in Farris and the other web-related resources.
January 10- We will finish the information on teaching from yesterday with a brief discussion on whether or not teaching is a "profession." From there we will talk about the impact of teachers and discuss the first section of Educating Esme. Be sure to look over Ch. 11 in Farris as well.
January 14- Today, we will finish our discussion on Educating Esme and move from talking about teachers to the schools in which they work. I will present some information about the structure of American schools, and we will watch part of a video on differences within these institutions. (Remember the school board meeting tonight, one of two this term)
January 17- Assuming the snow stops, we will be talking about our school visits and finishing up our unit on Schools and Schooling.
January 21- Remembering to bring summaries of your Christ Church visit and accounts of the school board meeting if you attended. We will be looking at the historical foundations of American Education focusing on the colonial period and going up to 1900. This is a lot to cover, so be sure that you have read Farris, Jefferson, Mann, Old Deluder, etc. before class.
January 23- We are supposed to be at Travelers Rest High School at 10:00. Should the Greenville County schools be canceled, we will have class as normal at 9:25.
January 24- We had class and talked about history through the present.
January 28- Dr. Chandler will be here as a guest speaker for the first half of class. We will begin talking about social foundations of education and spend the majority of class looking at "A Tribe Apart." Be sure to have possible topics for your presentations prepared.
January 30- NWCC visit.
January 31- Lots to cover today. The first thing that we will do is a short writing assignment based on your visit to the Northwest Crescent Center. Then we will finish discussing A Tribe Apart. I will also update you on the presentations and preview the midterm.
February 4- We will discuss studies of sleep (or lack thereof) and its effects on students, teachers, administrators, etc. Then the midterm. Please prepare!!!
*** Also note changes in the schedule!!!
February 6- To Travelers Rest HS.
February 11- Nancy Lee from Berea HS will speak first about her experiences as an assistant principal. Then I will talk briefly about school governance and then presentations: Heather, Meagan, Catherine, and Ian. Be sure to bring your TR summary. **** Final school board meeting you can attend is tonight.
February 13- We will start with presentations (Ian, Jon, Alexandra, Cindy, Paco) and then move to philosophy. Lots of reading concerning philosophy, so make sure that you look over Dewey and Farris. In class we will be using the handout I gave you Tuesday to complete an Internet activity.
14- More
presentations (Emma, Jeff, Bernard, Helene). Then we will move to
student diversity and a video concerning this topic entitled
"Misunderstood Minds." Be sure to have your legal question ready as
February 18- A lot to accomplish today. We will finish the film "Misunderstood Minds" and finish up the final presentations as well (Jennifer, Laney, Allison). We will discuss legal issues and hopefully we will have responses back from your questions. I will discuss the format of the exam, answer any questions about the tutoring logs, and sum up the current state of education. Class evaluations will also be done. All of this in one class.
February 21- Exam (8:30-11)