The Organization of Plant Cells, Plant Tissues, and Plant Tissue Systems

Goals and Objectives:

  1. Be able to list all of the major components of a plant cell and describe the form and function of each.
  2. Be able to list all of the major plant tissues and describe the form and function of each.
  3. Be able to illustrate and label all of the major plant organs.
  4. Be able to describe the form and function of a plant membrane.
  5. Be able to describe in detail the make-up of the plant extracellular matrix.

The Organization of Plant Cells, Plant Tissues, and Plant Tissue Systems


  1. What does the study of plant physiology encompass?
  2. Give definitions and/or descriptions of function for each of the following plant cell components:  protoplasm, plasma membrane (plasmallema), protoplast, organelle, nucleus, cytoplasm.
  3. What is meant by the statement that the plasma membrane is selectively permeable?
  4. What is the most abundant lipid in a cell membrane?  Describe the structure of this lipid.
  5. Hydrophobic bonding in lipid bilayers results in two important properties.  These two properties are:
  6. Explain why phospholipids within a bilayer cannot flip-flop, but can move laterally within the plane of the membrane.
  7. How does the phospholipid bilayer of a membrane influence the movement of the following substances:  ions, polar molecules, non polar molecules, carbon dioxide, oxygen, water.
  8. What is the difference between integral membrane proteins and peripheral membrane proteins?  Describe the physical properties of these two groups of membrane proteins.
  9. What functional role can membrane protein provide to the cell?
  10. Give definitions and/or descriptions of function for each of the following cellular organelles and the important structures found in each organelle.
  11. All eukaryotic cells contain a three-dimensional, interconnected network of fibrous proteins called the cytoskelleton.  The cytoskelleton of plants is composed of microtubules and microfilaments.  Describe each of these proteins and tell how they function in the cytoskelleton.
  12. What is the extracellular matrix?  Of what is it composed?  What is tits function?
  13. What is the difference between primary cell walls and secondary cell walls?
  14. What are meristems?  What unique character does a meristem give a plant?
  15. What are the two types of meristems and how do they affect the growth of a plant?
  16. Give a definition and description of function for each of the following plant tissues and the important structures found within those tissues.
  17. Diagram and label the tissues in each of the three main plant organs (roots, stems and leaves).