BIO 440: Population Genetics and Evolution

Study Questions - Coevolution

Readings - chapter 15

1) Distinguish between diffuse and obligate mutualisms. What feedbacks favor obligate pollinator systems?

1) Describe two trophic mutualisms.

2) Describe the ant-acacia mutualism. Which evolved first, induced or obligate defenses, and how do we know? What effect does the loss of large herbivores have on this relationship?

3) Describe two dispersal for food mutualisms.

4) How can differences in the biotic environment experienced by a species cause evolutionary radiation? Use the crossbill story as an example.

5) Tight mutualistic interactions often result in parallel phylogenies. Explain, using the Heliconius species, homopterans, or the lice example from the book.

6) Patterns of diversity over geologic time can also be produced as a consequence of coevolutionary forces. Explain the pattern between beetles and plants or Arthropod radiations in this light.

7) Social interactions can evolve between non-relatives. Describe two possible scenarios in which a helper gains by helping.

8) Interaactions are not staic characteristic of a population; they are dependent upon the environmental context (abiotic conditions and the intensity of the partners's selective pressure). Describe how competititve relationships can change to facultative, how mutualisms can change to parasitism, and how parasitism can change to mutualism.