BIO 440: Population Genetics and Evolution

Study Questions - Coevolution

Readings - chapter 15

1) Why is resource partitioning not a true example of coevolution?

2) Why are 'consumer-resource' interactions (predation, etc.) often coevolutionary?

3) Pick one of these interactions and describe the 'arms race' that ensues.

4) There might not be a one-to-one correspondence between reciprocal adaptations. Rather the strength of the interaction, and the strength of the adaptations, may vary geographically. Why? Describe this "mosaic theory of evolution."

5) How can Batesian mimicry between a toxic 'model' species and a palatable mimic be described as an arms race?

6) Describe the pattern of coevolutionary alternation, and related this to the mosaic theory of coevolution.

7) Adaptations are often energetically expensive. What evidence exists that, in the ansence of selective pressures, investment strategies change? Use either the Drosophila-wasp example or the ant-acacia example.

8) Describe three different explanations for why pathogens are virulent.

9) Describe two mechanisms by which pathogens thwart the adaptive immunity of their hosts, using real examples.