Produced by the Population Genetics and Evolution class, Furman University

The Cretaceous: Iguanodon
Iguanodon is the largest, most well known, and most widely found of the iguanodontids (Encyclopedia Britannica 2010). It was the second dinosaur to be officially named, after Megalosaurus (Wikipedia 2010). Fossils have been found In North America, Europe, Asia, Northern Africa, and Australia and these bone beds have yielded multiple nearly complete skeletons of multiple species of Iguanodon, along with many other remains (Encyclopedia Britannica 2010). Iguanodon was 30 feet long, was around 2 meters at the hip bone, and weighted between four and five tons (Encyclopedia Britannica 2010). Iguanodon, which means “iguana toothed,” had teeth that resembled modern day iguana teeth and was also an herbivore (Dinosaur Isle 2010). What distinguished Iguanodon from many other dinosaurs was its conical, spike like thumbs that stuck out from the three main digits that it walked on (Wikipedia 2010). In early reconstructions of Iguanodon, the spike was placed on the nose; however, as more specimens were uncovered the misinterpretation was corrected (Encyclopedia Britannica 2010). The purpose of this spike is still debated, but many believe it was used to defend itself from predators, or used when foraging for food (Wikipedia 2010). Iguanodon could shift between walking on two or four legs, the latter more so as it aged (Wikipedia 2010). It is questionable that Iguanodon was a herd reptile or not (Wikipedia 2010). There have been many findings of multiple fossilized individuals in the same location (Encyclopedia Britannica 2010). However in most cases, these finds are determined to be multiple events and not a single catastrophe (Wikipedia 2010).

Page by Chapin Hardy

Iguanodon. Photo From: Wikipedia

Dinosaur Isle. 2010. Iguanodon. Accessed April 4, 2010.

Encyclopedia Britannica. 2010. Iguanodon. Accessed April 4,

Wikipedia. 2010. Iguanodon. Accessed April 5, 2010.