Home Checklist Back American Robin Turdus migratorius Status: Common SP, S, F, W American Robins are present throughout the year, but are most numerous during the winter months. In summer, these birds are found mostly isolated or in pairs. However, each fall they become more gregarious and begin to form small flocks that they will stay with throughout winter. Furman University • 3300 Poinsett Hwy • Greenville, SC 29613 •
SP, S, F, W
American Robins are present throughout the year, but are most numerous during the winter months. In summer, these birds are found mostly isolated or in pairs. However, each fall they become more gregarious and begin to form small flocks that they will stay with throughout winter.
Furman University • 3300 Poinsett Hwy • Greenville, SC 29613 •