Welcome to The Birdlife of Furman University, a
web site devoted to recording the birds seen on Furman’s campus. This site was
first constructed by Jeff O'Connell (Philosophy major, class of '09) as part of
a Furman Advantage project begun in summer 2008. All pictures are Jeff's unless
otherwise noted. This site provides a general overview of the species that have
been seen on campus, along with information on other species occurring in the
area. The information presented here is not intended to serve as a rigorous
scientific account of exact migratory patterns or seasonal distributions.
Rather, it is an introduction intended to inspire further interest in birds and
conservation. As the first major link on the Campus as Habitat website, we also
hope to stimulate an interest in the biodiversity around us. If you see any
factual errors, or if you have any interesting sightings or pictures that you
think would add to the web site, please email Dr. Wade Worthen of the Biology
Department at wade.worthen@furman.edu.
Total Species Count: 124
The links listed below divides
birds into eight main groupings. Click on the link to see the families and
species within each grouping. Click on a species to see more detailed
information about that species, including status and habitat preference. The
status ranks bird populations according to the following scale: abundant (most
prevalent), common, uncommon, occasional, rare (least prevalent). Status
abbreviations refer to the seasons that each bird can be found on campus
(SP=spring, S=summer, F=fall, W=winter). If you know a species' name, it may be
easier to find through the Alphabetical Checklist