Welcome to
Furman University's
NCAA Cross Country Championships Website



Furman and the NCAA Championships

In November 2001, for the second time, Furman University will host the NCAA Division I Men's and Women's Cross Country National Championships. Furman last hosted the Championships in 1997, when two of the closest team races in the history of this event were run. In the women's 5K (it will be a 6K in 2001), BYU defeated Stanford University 100 to 102, while in the men's 10K race, the Stanford Cardinal prevailed 53-56 over Arkansas.

In addition to the experience of hosting the 1997 National Championships, Furman has hosted the annual Furman Invitational for the last 28 years and has played host to the NCAA Southeast Regional Qualifying Meet 27 times since 1972. Because Furman has played into collegiate cross country history so significantly over the last 30 years, it is no wonder that the NCAA awarded the 2001 Championships to Furman, giving this school of 2,500 undergraduates another scene in the national spotlight.




Results and Pre-Meet Race Fields will be accessible from this website for the NCAA Pre-Meet, the Southeast Region Meet, and the National Championship. Just click on the appropriate links below:



Click here for directions by car to Furman University.



Important Dates

If you are interested in the 2001 NCAA Championships and want a chance to witness athletic history in the making, be sure and mark the following dates on your calendar:

  • October 13, 2001 -- The Furman Invitational/NCAA Pre-Meet -- Admission $2 for Adults; $1 for Children
    On Saturday, October 13, 10 races will take place on the Furman Cross Country Course. The day will begin with races for junior varsity boys and girls from all over the Southeast, followed by varsity high school competitions. The NCAA Pre-Meet will then feature two men's and two women's races, which give highly ranked Division I collegiate competitors from all over the country the chance to compete on the National Championship course prior to the big finale in November. Last but not least will be the Furman Invitational, featuring college runners from all over the nation, who are not ranked high enough to enter the Pre-Meet's seeded competitions.


  • November 10, 2001 -- The Southeast Region Qualifier -- Free of Charge
    On Saturday, November 10, school from all over the NCAA's Southeast Region will vie for a chance to advance to the National Championships. The meet will feature a team and individual competition, with the top two teams and top four individuals (not on an advancing team) earning automatic berths to the NCAA Championships. In addition, on Monday, November 12, teams and individuals earning at-large bids to the NCAA Championships, will be posted on the NCAA website.


  • November 17, 2001 -- The Corporate Shield 5K -- $5 -- You Must Pre-Register
    If you would like first-hand experience into the National Championship experience sign up for the Corporate Shield 5K, to be held on the Furman Cross Country Course on Saturday, November 17. This race gives the average fan the chance to test his or her skills on the same terrain NCAA runners will face the following Monday. If you are interested in more information, click here.

  • November 19, 2001 --- The Division I NCAA Cross Country Championships -- $3 for Adults; $2 for Children
    On Monday, November 19, 31 teams and an additional 38 individuals for a total of 255 runners will compete for the NCAA Division I National Championship at the Furman University Cross Country Course, on the Furman Golf Course. This event first began in 1938 with a 51-61 victory by Indiana over second-place finisher Notre Dame. This Championships has been a proving ground for hundreds of Olympians and has a distinctly international flavor.

11:00 a.m. Men's 10K Race (click here for course map)
12:15 p.m. Women's 6K Race (click here for course map)




Volunteers Wanted

If you are interested in working as a volunteer on race day, we would love to have you. You will get a chance to be a part of history AND you'll get some great gear. Just send an email to Marshall Bettendorf, and he will take it from there.,



Competitors and Coaches

If you are a participant or coach in the 2001 NCAA Cross Country Championships, click here for a full schedule for events slated for championships weekend.


NCAA Championships

For more information on the NCAA Division I Cross Country Meet or any of the other NCAA National Championships, visit the NCAA Website